Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Making Your Computers Safe from Porn

I'e got a house full of boys; I'm a boy for that matter, and it's so easy these days to stumble into sites that you just really don't want to be going to. There are temptations along the way. It's really not so hard to find pornographic sites if you really want to, so wouldn't it be nice to have something there to keep the doors locked to these sort of sites? And set aside the moral issues for just a second and consider this: I work for a group of companies of which one is a computer repair service. You would not believe the amount of damage we see from PCs that have been crippled by viruses, trojans and adware that comes straight from porn sites. They are open season on unsuspecting people who are too busy searching for something else that they'll click the 'YES' button to just about anything. I did some research on the topic of porn site blocking and learned a few things about what's out there. A LOT of the free downloads are actually like a Trojan horse, allowing viruses to be installed on your PC right along with the software that you downloaded. There are some more recognizable brands out there that specialize in this sort of filtering software, but usually they will reserve their best defenses for those that spend more or purchase a corporate version of the package. There was one, however, that looks like it has all the bases covered. Here are some of the features that I was looking for, and MyPornBlocker fit the bill:

  • Bans illegal file sharing through P2P sites or software
  • Works with I.E 5+, Firefox, Netscape and Opera
  • Stealth Mode - runs without any obvious giveaways
  • Blocks Chat sessions, if desired
  • Blocks or Limits access to social networking sites
  • Automatic screenshots - lets you produce a slideshow of previous activity on the PC
  • Analyzes page CONTENT, not just the URL name
So, if you are looking for something that you can purchase, download, install and immediately begin reaping the benefits from, take a look at the MyPornBlocker site here: www.mypornblocker.com.

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